History of IMA Madurai Branch
"Indian Medical Association Madurai Branch"was initialized during the year 1928 and was registered in 1934 – 5/1934 (registered in the society act). It is the largest and esteemed branch in India having more than 1350 members. It is a Doctors Association for the welfare of Doctor's as well as the society.
Dr. P.Vadamalayan a Doyen of medical profession and a senior surgeon of Madurai who donated around one acre of land in the prime heart of Madurai city for the functioning of IMA Madurai branch.
IMA Madurai branch marches proudly on the 80th year with various state schemes beneficial for the members bustling with scientific programs for the promotion of knowledge towards the recent advancements in the medical field , many community activities incorporating along with Governmental and Non Governmental Organizations for the benefit and uplift of the society.